To Our Valued Friends and Customers,
As the sun starts to slowly fade in the sky and the trees paint their own colorful landscape, we notice the unmistakable aroma of fall in the air. The sweet smell which has the ability to take us back in time, helping us to remember fondly, youthful thoughts of rolling in the leaves and the unmistakable smell of them burning.
Unfortunately, this also begins to close another chapter in our own special book of memories on the lakes we are so fortunate to have and enjoy.
We at Luhrs Landing would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for making this season so wonderful. New friendships and acquaintances have made this a special year for all of us here at Luhrs Landing.
As this boating season comes to an end, we kindly remind you of a few more chores to complete before we can rest by the fire and get lost in the aroma of the burning leaves and sip on a warm cup of apple cider.
Yes, that means that it is time for boat winterization and dock / hoist removal.
Please take a moment to fill out our linked form, so we can better help you with your chores. Then you can sit by the fire and enjoy the beautiful fall colors and let us worry about the rest.
Thank you,
Luhrs Landing
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ultrices, nulla adipiscing interdum lobortis, metus elit dictum orci, vitae aliquet dui ligula eu risus. Quisque nulla magna, consequat sed consectetur vitae, pellentesque quis lectus. Pellentesque lobortis in odio a posuere. Cras et massa sodales, gravida nibh sit amet, blandit enim. Aliquam egestas, ipsum ut aliquet placerat, dolor arcu placerat neque, sed commodo sapien dolor lobortis arcu. Donec vel nulla ut odio blandit consectetur at ac dolor. Donec dapibus est ut urna tempus, non laoreet leo rutrum. Nullam ultrices diam non neque sodales molestie. Etiam lobortis, eros vitae hendrerit pharetra, tortor eros congue tortor, id cursus lectus ipsum ut est. Nullam et leo rhoncus, viverra nunc sit amet, egestas turpis. Aliquam ullamcorper purus ultricies augue imperdiet suscipit. Praesent a tortor neque. Nullam sollicitudin facilisis dolor, nec bibendum tellus congue nec. Etiam ac vehicula lorem. Praesent pellentesque nibh interdum auctor cursus. Suspendisse potenti.
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